Thursday, January 10, 2013

Qualms About Colloquium(#1)
Upon entering this course, I had no idea what to expect. Although I do support the notion of sustaining the environment for future generations, I dislike the idea of having to take a required course that has nothing to do with my major. Don't get me wrong, I will make an effort to be interested in the subject material but aside from the tranquil aspect of being "alone with nature" I have never been too interested in plants or bugs...or sweating. I kayak almost every week and I believe that Colloquium may help me become more "in-tune" with nature, and by association, myself. I took a course that seemed similar to University Colloquium a few semesters ago, "Environmental Humanities", and it is possible that the dull pace of that class has influenced this unenthusiastic attitude that I have about unrealistic expectations of single-handedly saving the planet.  However, I do believe that this course will give me insight to many individual's ecological reservations about logging or disrupting Southwest Florida's delicate ecosystem. This knowledge may be helpful to me in the future if I ever decide to construct a home or company.
Word Count: 190
Staton, Laura. Sustainability. Photo. Reputation Forward. 4 Sep. 2012. 10 Jan. 2013. <>. 

1 comment:

  1. Continued: I enjoy the idea of a course that is "note-free" (I don't think I have ever had one)! Discussion classes are my forte and really help me learn. In relation to my major, it has something to do with the way that it is added to the non-declarative memory. In my opinion it makes this course more appealing. So even though it is a class that I am required to take,I won't dread showing up for it.
    Word count:76
